I've seen your movies on internet and are all of good
qualities.Your tools are much more sophisticated than the other
commercial tools we can find today.Infact in your
movie all the bands of colors which are typical of QTVR and photovista,
don't appear and the color is uniform, without bad transition.
I am writing to thank you for creating Panorama Tools
and making itavailable through your web site. I've been doing a number
of experimentswith a multiple fisheye lens set up, where I strap three
cameras together,or use one camera hand held. I have been using Panorama
Tools on bothMacintosh (preferred) and Windows machines to adjust
the circular image toa photosphere square format. I then use QTVRAS to
stitch either two slightlyoverlapping images, or three or four very overlapping
images. Then I usePanorama Tools again to re-map the panorama for QTVR
or Surround videodisplay.
Great Software.... we'll use it on our current ....
producton.We'll give you a good link to your site when we use the software!!!!
So very impressive. Again, many thanks!
I use Panorama Tools frequently and I couldn't do withoutanymore.
Just updated my ...project.A living (online)
testament to your cool Panorama Tools!
I just downloaded the PTSTitcher and ran your demos.
This stuff iswonderful.
I just had to drop you a note and thank you for Panorama
Tools. What a greattool! I searched long and hard for someting that worked
and yours was theticket.
..erst mal möchte ich mich grundsätzlich
für Ihre kostenlosen QTVR-Tools bedanken. Ich benutze siehauptsächlich
zur Korrektur der starken tonnenförmigen Verzeichnung des Weitwinkelvorsatzes
für dieCoolpix 950, und bin immer wieder überrascht, von der
hohen Qualität der Ergebnisse. Vorher habe ich dasSharewareprogramm
"Floppylens" benutzt, das zwar einfach zu bedienen ist, aber zu starken
Detail- undSchärfeverlusten führt ...
Thank you very much for your wanderful help.We have
use your information and it works perfectly O.K. We could not beleive it
when we got it. It is very useful for us to know allthis.
I just wanted to let you know that I am very happy
that you releasedPTStitcher 1.0b1. It's a really a useful companion
to the PanoramaTools plugins.
You the Man! Thanks for making a great tool even
better. I'll try it outright away.
ich bin regelmäßiger Besucher Ihrer Seite
und habe seit langem PT Average für Windows erwartet . Jetzt muss
ich mich dafür bedanken , die Qualitätssteigerung im Scann ist
hervorragend !
I just wanted to say you are amazing for creating this
tool. This is the simple process I was looking/hoping for.
I've been using PanoTools for quite some time now and
quite frankly, I doubtthat I could use the images from my Nikon CoolPix
900 without them. I am verygrateful to you for unselfishly making PanoTools
available to the VR community.
A big thank you! Just tried it to make
a spherical vr from my 950 and your software
works great.
Ich habe gerade Ihre Tools ausprobiert und bin begeistert.
Vor allem derSinc-Interpolator ist SUPER.
Nachdem ich ebenfalls eine Nikon Coolpix 950 habe,
habe ich mit demPanoramatools Correct Radial die Barrel Distortion von
einigenWeitwinkelbildern ausprobiert und es funktioniert hervorragend!
Wow. PTSticher is very nice. Many thanks for the software
and for all your efforts in the VR arena. You are an inspiration.
Just a quick note to say thankyou for making these
toolsavailable. They are brilliant! The remap tool in particular
gives the best results I have seen so far (way better
thanPhotovista v1.0 or Infinite Pictures (smoothmove) PhotoSeamer).
um Ihnen zu Panorama Tools zu gratulieren muß
ich mich wahrscheinlich in eine ziemlich lange Reihe von anderen einordenen
As if you knew I just started experimenting with an
8mm Sigma.I had been busy for some time trying to get things working usingPTools
when you announced PTSTitcher Windows.No more than ten minutes after downloading
I had the first full sphere spinning around in my browser. Ifthere would
be a Nobel Prize for immersive imaging it should
be going to you. And I'm sure lots of others feel
the same way.
Thank you Helmut, for this easy to use, yet incredibly
wonderful tool.
Re: masking out moving peple
The best way I know of is to use Helmut's Panorama
tools to stich the imagesinto a layered photoshop file, then open it in
photoshop and mask (using thelayer mask tools) around the objects that
are not common to both images.
I found your site absolutely amazing. Thankyou so much
for all of your technical information and hints, I found the interpolator
test very intersting especially seeing the results of the 5 degree stages
of rotation to 18o degrees. I am an IPIX user and I am on the whole not
happy with the results that I have been generating and found your information
on the IPIX system and their desire to "get rid of you" very interesting
not to mention a little paranoid.
Please keep up your vigil and that amazing work that
you do.