PanoTools mailing list archive

Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:j jeffstarley@...
Date/Time:2020-Oct-16 21:56:24
Subject:Re: It was nice but now it's gone...


PanoTools NG: Re: It was nice but now it's gone... j jeffstarley@... 2020-Oct-16 21:56:24
Hi Erik, I too am sorry, but I do not like to use Facebook.


Jeff Starley Photography

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> On 16 Oct 2020, at 13:08, Erik Krause #removed# [PanoToolsNG] <#removed#> wrote:
> Yahoo groups shutting down december 15. An era comes to it's end:
> PanotoolsNG wasn't very active lately, but still it's a pity it has to
> end now.
> How shall we go on? The most lively group about panoramic imaging on the
> web is certainly
> and I invite
> anyone to join there (if not already a member). If you do so, please
> make sure that you answer the questions so that it is easier to identify
> serious requests.
> However, I understand if someone doesn't want to use facebook. For those
> there is still the Nabble group, which is a mirror of the PTNG mailing
> list. Hopefully it will stay:
> A complete archive can be found on
> I wonder if it is worthwhile to move the mailing list to another server.
> If there is a reasonable number of interested users, I will look for an
> alternative.
> best regards
> --
> Erik Krause
> PanotoolsNG Admin
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