PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Paul Ellis
Date/Time:2000-May-05 12:21:58
Subject:Re: ANNOUNCE: PTViewer 0.9


proj-imim: Re: ANNOUNCE: PTViewer 0.9 Paul Ellis 2000-May-05 12:21:58
This is excellent stuff!

I'm playing with some rather large images, which run much better in the
native Viewer than the java version. However, the native viewer's static
image rendering is not as good as the current java version.

What would help me enormously right now is to bring the native image quality
up to the level of java's, and possibly add the option to save stand-alone
in the "other platform" format, so that from the Mac I could save out a
self-contained .exe for mailing to clients, and vice-versa. This facility
would be extremely useful.


Paul Ellis

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