Re: PTVJ 0.9 - problems
Gummy Bear 2000-May-07 18:23:58
I am getting similar errors in the Java console on Wintel
IE 5.0. I also noticed that none of the values for the cursor
location are showing up in the text fields below the pano.
This does not seem to be affecting the over all performance
of the applet, however.
Also, these errors do not show up in Windows NS 4.7 and
the cursor values display correctly below the pano.
Side note: I noticed that I can move the cursor outside the applet
window while panning with IE, but not so with NS - weird!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrew Nemeth" <#removed#>
To: "Immersive Imaging" <#removed#>
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2000 2:29 PM
Subject: PTVJ 0.9 - problems
> Just did a quick run through of the new 0.9 java viewer applet
> on my mac (MacOS 8.51). Running locally off a HD, using MRJ 2.2,
> the applet runs okay, but the java console slowly fills with the
> following error(?) messages on every mouse or keyboard event:
> URL javascript:getview(-33.5,-50.0,80.0) ill-formed
> URL javascript:mousehs(2) ill-formed
> URL javascript:mousehs(-1) ill-formed
> URL javascript:getview(-31.0,-50.0,80.0) ill-formed
> URL javascript:getview(-124.55000000000001,14.749999999999943,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(110.35,20.124191435912575,80.0) ill-formed
> URL javascript:getview(-149.05000000000015,3.624191435912542,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(-176.40000000000012,2.324191435912542,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(145.19999999999987,3.4741914359125667,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(-15.349999999999998,-48.5,80.0) ill-formed
> URL javascript:getview(9.099999999999804,-51.92580856408745,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(-119.9500000000002,31.074191435912578,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(158.00000000000003,15.024191435912568,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(-135.75000000000003,2.974191435912574,80.0)
> URL javascript:getview(-86.80000000000003,57.0741914359126,80.0)
> URL javascript:mousehs(3) ill-formed
> URL javascript:mousehs(-1) ill-formed
> URL javascript:getview(168.39999999999995,13.22419143591262,80.0)
> URL javascript:mousehs(0) ill-formed
> URL javascript:mousehs(-1) ill-formed
> URL javascript:getview(-77.65000000000009,4.774191435912619,80.0)
> URL javascript:mousehs(1) ill-formed
> URL javascript:mousehs(-1) ill-formed
> URL javascript:mousehs(1) ill-formed
> URL javascript:mousehs(-1) ill-formed
> etc.
> _However_, this was only if you ran the applet with the new
> 'pano.html' which comes with 0.9. If you run the applet with the
> older, non-js version - then no error reports. Interesting.
> BTW, panning on a 180 MHz, 604e mac is acceptibly fast now.
> Well done Prof Dersch!
> Regds,
> Andrew N.
> <>