PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Doug Brightwell
Date/Time:2000-May-10 01:23:26
Subject:Re: HELP! Back to Basics (Resend)


proj-imim: Re: HELP! Back to Basics (Resend) Doug Brightwell 2000-May-10 01:23:26

Thanks for your reply. Your comments really helped.

A couple of follow-up questions:

> I have taken your script and played with it. Indeed a,b,and c need not
> be set. However, your optical center seems to be ill aligned, or your
> scans are not centered exactly. This shift can be optimized via d and e
> parameters. While your original script yields 7-8 pixel avarage errors,
> I am getting ~1 pixels with proper d and e correction.

Aha! This is an incredibly useful piece of information. I often raise the
front or standards of the view camera in order to see more or less
foreground. So what I'm hearing is that I need to optimize for the vertical
shift. That probably explains most of my alignment problems. Thanks!

>> Next, I run all three images through PTStitcher separately. ..
>> QUESTION: Is there anything about this process that is flawed, that would
>> introduce inaccuracies or misalignments?
> You should run them together through PTSTitcher: grab all 3 images
> + script, drop it onto PTStitcher, and you get one PSD-file with
> 3 layers.

Just want to clarify... I know that I can run all three images together
through stitcher at the same time and that it'll create a layered PSD file.
But will it cause the images to be "warped" incorrectly if I choose to run
them through separately?

Thanks again for your help!


Doug Brightwell

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