PTviewer applet & HTML tables
RDHoore (ProxyVista) 2000-May-15 23:00:00
> Hi folks...
Hi J,
> Could someone explain to me what the best way to use Helmut's
> java version of PTviewer within a table?
> I've tried just having the applet within the cell, doesn't seem to work.
What doesn't work about it? I'm doing it all the time. Even Helmut's example
that comes with PTViewer is in a table.
> I've noticed sometimes javascript is included in the head info, does
> this HTML code have to be that way for it to work?
One puts Javascript in the <head> header to make sure that it will be
downloaded before anything gets displayed. Otherwise, people may do things
on the page that will call a function which isn't even downloaded yet, thus
causing an error condition.
That's the only reason why it is in the header. It could be anywhere else as
well, as long as you're sure there won't be any problems with timing as
mentioned above.
> I just need to do a pano on the left and text on the right within a
> HTML table for a project I'm working on.
Shouldn't be any problem with modern browsers. NS3 will give trouble when
there is javascript in a table, but who's still using that? And even there
you could circumvent the problems (I forgot how).
Ronny D'Hoore