PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Marcus Bointon
Date/Time:2000-May-18 16:48:31


proj-imim: Corrections Marcus Bointon 2000-May-18 16:48:31
I've kind of given up on the optimizer, and I'm now trying to get radial
shift correction values by hand, and I'm getting much better results. For my
Kenko lens, I'm now using:
    a = 0.022
    b = -0.09
    c = -0.025
    d = 1

and things are looking fairly straight.

I am however, running into some strange practical problems. I've been
experimenting in Photoshop 5.5. The processed image is larger than the
original, so as is well known, PT needs to create a separate image file
which it can automatically reopen. Even though all the boxes are ticked
(except for crop), and I've specified a file location, this is not

So I thought I'd switch to GraphicConverter 3.8.2 instead. The news here is
worse - it doesn't seem to do anything at all, not even apply the
correction, even though the progress bar does its thing. I'm using PT 2.0b3,
and I have ensured that all the plugins are in the right places, the shared
library is in place, and GC has tons of memory allocated, no other apps

What's going on here?

I also noticed that PT is in some way image size dependent. I thought the
radial shift filter was simply pixel based, but it seems to be angle based,
so if I enlarge the canvas of my source image so the converted one fits on,
then the result looks completely different with the settings I worked out.

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Putting you in the picture

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