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Sender:Ed Howard
Date/Time:2000-May-21 00:09:40
Subject:Re: iPIX Viewer


proj-imim: Re: iPIX Viewer Ed Howard 2000-May-21 00:09:40
I had been thinking of making a similar animal for PTJV.
2 rings of buttons though.
8 per ring
inner=slower, outer=faster

Ed Howard

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gummy Bear 
  To: Immersive Imaging 
  Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2000 4:48 PM
  Subject: iPIX Viewer

  I see our 'friends' at IPIX have are previewing a 'new' Java viewer:

  It's kinda sluggish and lacks the quality of PTVJ!

  Makes you wonder when IPIX will begin stealing the code for PTVJ...

  I do kinda like that little spherical navigation control, however.  ;^)



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