22195 threads

[PanoToolsNG] PTGui 10 HDR

I've been doing more testing of version 10, and the HDR output is MUCH better than it used to be. I still prefer SNS-HDR, mostly because I'm more comfortable with it and like the fine tuning that I can do. However, PTGui is now a real contender and I w

PanoTools NG - 'Mark Fink' markdfink@northernlight.net [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Aug-13 22:40

[PanoToolsNG] PTGui 10 stitching speeds

I upgraded to PTGui 10 this weekend and did some before and after speed tests. Prior to installing v10, I stitched two panos, one shot with a 10mm fisheye and another with a 20mm lens, The fisheye image was 15,000 x 7,500 pixels and the 20mm was 30,000

PanoTools NG - 'Mark Fink' markdfink@northernlight.net [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Aug-04 14:25

[PanoToolsNG] OT - Lenses for sale

Hi all, If anyone is interested, I'm selling my Rokinon 14mm and 8mm lenses on eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/321471611961?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT &_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/321471616131?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

PanoTools NG - 'Mark Fink' markdfink@northernlight.net [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jul-30 18:21

[PanoToolsNG] Re: Ultra-wide lens for full frame

I have used fixed focal length Nikkor 14mm, 15mm (original QTVR lens), and 18mm lenses for many years for panorama work. They're all fine lenses (except the 15mm, which is more prone to flare than the others). Most of the time, they sit on the shelf tod

PanoTools NG - Scott Highton scott@highton.com [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jul-30 16:17

[PanoToolsNG] Samyang 8mm CS II and Samyang 10mm reviews?

Hi! Samyang has been busy lately, they have 3 versions of the 8mm FE and a 10mm ultra wide angle for APS-C. Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-eye CS II the DSLR version Samyang 8mm T3.8 UMC Fish-eye CS II the VDSLR version and another T3.1 but not in F mou

PanoTools NG - Robert Lesac robert@robertlesac.com [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jul-30 01:48

[PanoToolsNG] Ultra-wide lens for full frame

Hi, I've been getting ready to upgrade my kit (to D610 probably) and I've noticed that there is barely anything in the ultra wide range for full frame. About the widest I could find is Sigma 12-24mm F4.5-5.6 DG HSM II. Going by the reviews it's

PanoTools NG - Robert Lesac robert@robertlesac.com [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jul-29 22:23

[PanoToolsNG] ZKM Globalrama copyright legal suit is over !

Photographer sued ZKM Globalrama over copyright misuse - update - Photographer wins after many years https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/wwp/conversations/messages/13610 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/wwp/conversations/messages/13610

PanoTools NG - texas360dave@yahoo.com [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jul-27 20:41

[PanoToolsNG] Anyone to sell a Ricoh Theta?

Hi, i want to buy a used Ricoh Theta (in Europe-> Germany). So, if anyone is frustrated about image quality etc... ... i know all these "features" and it's not a problem for my intended use. Thanks Lutz

PanoTools NG - lutz.schmidt@gmail.com [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jul-20 17:52

[PanoToolsNG] Extension of photography time frame of the WWP event?

What do you think about the events photography time frame extension? The "classic option" for a photography was within a week around the solistice and equinox. The another ideas are the time frame from the end of the event to the next one or all year arou

PanoTools NG - Bostjan Burger si_lander@yahoo.com [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jul-19 20:26

[PanoToolsNG] Dizzying Panoramas Of Stars In Motion

Can anyone explain how these were made? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/20/planetary-panoramas-vincent-brady_n_5515505.html I am experienced both at "night" photography and at making "little planets," but these are something else! Do you thi

PanoTools NG - 'Peter A. Schaible' peter@sdnm.com [PanoToolsNG] - 14-Jun-23 23:47

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