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Sender:John Spikowski
Date/Time:2000-Apr-25 09:01:12
Subject:RE: Legal Issues


proj-imim: RE: Legal Issues John Spikowski 2000-Apr-25 09:01:12
I guess it depends how much money IPIX wants to give their legal department to
stamp out any "abusers" of their patient rights. From what I have read from
various web sites, it looks as if IPIX is not so confident that their business
model or patient will hold out much longer.

If a similar technique is used to stitch wide angle shots and not conflict with
their patient, how does a fisheye make their process unique? Does bending of
light in a different manor make their process proprietary?

I just noticed another company in Singapore has a easy to use cylindrical
stitching program that has been release for free. (Lite version)

-----Original Message-----
From: #removed#
[mailto:#removed#]On Behalf Of Helmut Dersch
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2000 12:26 AM
To: Immersive Imaging
Subject: Fwd: Legal Issues

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