PTJViewer hotspot display
gliksman 2000-Apr-27 23:44:09
Hi Helmut and everybody
Working on the differences ·
Communicator Mac
ð Regular hotspot will not display if the mouse is ouside the html page
ð Image hotspots will not display if the mouse is ouside the html page
Comminicator can display the hotspots even the image hasn't panned, if
the mouse is in the page ·
Explorer Mac
ð Regular hotspot will not display if the pano hasn't moved, when
pressing space bar
ð Image hotspots will not display if the pano hasn't moved (animated
gif image), when pressing space bar
While you 've the pano turn a little, hotspots are working, even with
the mouse outside the page ·
Bon courage Hemut ·
Denis Gliksman
La Grange NumÂŽrique
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