Re: PTPicker and zenith in spherical images
Philo 2000-Apr-19 09:34:55
Hello FranÂois,
Thanks for the info about PTPicker... I'll try it when Helmut will have
compiled PTools 2.0 for Windows !
As for your problem, it's quite clear that the three shot method is not
usable here, zenith and nadir points are generally so-so and must be fine
tuned - and they are not generally of a great interest !
You could adapt the method with 3 photos in a vertical plane, one of them
directed to the ceiling tho get good quality there, but I dont see how you
coud avoid getting that huge, ugly tripod in your pano...
I think the best solution is to make 4 shots (3 horizontally 120¡ apart and
one towards the ceiling) and assemble them in one step with PTools. You will
have to provide corresponding points between the zenith photo and each of
the 3 other (2 points by image couple should be enough). The zenith shot
must be the last in the sequence to be over the other layers in photoshop.
Guess that the stitching will not be the most difficult part here, the hard
point is to be sure to rotate around the optical node. This is very
important here since it's a near field photo...
Good luck with that one, keep me informed of method you choosed and of the
result !
-----Message d'origine-----
De : FranÂois Moraud <#removed#>
Ë : PROJ-IMIM <#removed#>
Date : mardi 18 avril 2000 17:09
Objet : PTPicker and zenith in spherical images
>Hi everyone,
>I read Philo tricks with attention,
>but I use PTPicker, and a CP950 with Fisheye.
>Does someone has a script for PTPicker for
>3 images ? How may points minimum have we
>to select in order to get a good result ?
>Also, I'll soon have to realize a full spherical pano
>of a dark room (bar) with art-painted ceiling.
>The ceiling will be I guess close, so the jpeg has
>to be as perfect as possible (few post wild paste in Photoshop ;)
>I can't use the Philo system cause I'll have long time exposures
>(guess I'm too tea addicted), maybe there's a third way :
>thought to a fisheye picture including the top of the ceiling,
>then edited in Panotools and finally inserted in the jpeg...
>Have you something simplier to get clear and brigth zenith
>in spherical images ?
>FranÂois Moraud