PanoTools mailing list archive

Date/Time:2001-May-04 13:01:25
Subject:ptviewer tools


proj-imim: ptviewer tools Hagar 2001-May-04 13:01:25
It has struck me that some kind of tour-and-hotspot editing software, like 
that in HotMedia, would be useful for ptviewer. And as such functions as 
height, width, fov are readable in javascript, sime of this functionality 
should be fairly easy to achieve... I know some work has been done in this 
area, (ATW etc..), but has anyone attempted a tool that allows the easy 
(point & click) assembly of tours & hotspots? I expect many of you are 
using your own html/javascript tools for some of these functions, at least.

	 I can see some obstacles in that some file handling and image editing 
facilities, for instance, might be difficult without resorting to a "real" 
programming language (java, c++ or whatever), but I think something useful 
must be doable in javascript. Not wanting to reinvent the wheel (and not 
having time to do so at present) I just wondered what is out there..

	If, as usual this is ancient stuff to all you panoramicists out there, my 
apologies, and a few pointers, please?

Hagar (Alex) Bull
mobile (UK) +44 7880 821 827
mobile (NO) +47 416 88441  *!NEW!*

Note: some of the above may contain humour.
If in doubt, please consider any offensive material
as evidence of the authors missing sense of such.

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