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Sender:Arie de Ruiter
Date/Time:2001-May-05 09:40:36
Subject:Making Cubic QTVR panorama movies


proj-imim: Making Cubic QTVR panorama movies Arie de Ruiter 2001-May-05 09:40:36
What tools would I need in addition to Panorama Tools to develop Cubic QTVR
movies on my Windows 2000 equipment? Is something like the 'QTVR Make
Cubic' app (only available for the Mac OS) really needed?

Up to now, I have used Helmut's software to develop cubic VRML panoramas as
an alternative to PTViewer-based ones ( These
work very well in e.g. Cosmoplayer but, unfortunately, the VRML format is
much less popular than I would have hoped.

Arie de Ruiter    

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