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Sender:Paul Ellis
Date/Time:2000-Apr-27 10:16:55
Subject:Re: [Fwd: PTViewer 0.8]


proj-imim: Re: [Fwd: PTViewer 0.8] Paul Ellis 2000-Apr-27 10:16:55
> I want to use PTViewer to create a spherical sitemap (see and
> select "SphŠre" in the lower part of the left menu bar).
> I have a hot spot "Kontaktinformationen" in my spherical panorama. This
> hotspot is linked to a normal html page. The link works very fine.
> Now the problem:
> I use frames but it look like that there is no way to tell the PTViewer to
> open the link in a dedicated frame. Does any one knows a solution
> for this problem?

When scripting the iPIX plugin it's necessary to do the following:
Paul Ellis

* have the frame name all uppercase
* for the hotspot, type the URL, then ; , then framename. Example:


You can only give it a try...


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