PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Ed Howard
Date/Time:2000-Apr-30 18:51:59
Subject:Re: Cylindrical Panorama


proj-imim: Re: Cylindrical Panorama Ed Howard 2000-Apr-30 18:51:59
John Spikowski wrote:
> Does Helmut's Java viewer support cylindrical panorama images. I'm using
> Live Pictures viewer now but would like to use PTViewer instead. I have
> tried to use PTViewer with spherical panorama images.

>From Documentation:
Cylindrical images as used in QTVR or other viewers have to be converted to
the equirectangular projection, which can easily be accomplished using the
free Panorama Tools

Also from documentation:
tiltmin - minimum tilt angle (-90 to 0, default -90 for spherical,
or -vertical field of view for ***cylindrical*** panos)
tiltmax - maximum tilt angle (90 to 0, default  90 for spherical, or
vertical field of view for ***cylindrical*** panos)

In the latter, he is refering (I believe) to "partial" Sphere panoramas.
There would also need to be a parameter specifying the viewer shape...and
there is not one...

So the answer is no cylinder..
The partial sphere looks identical and once the cone of vision gets wide
(100 degrees+) sphere will have a noticeably smaller file size....

Ed Howard.

> John

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