Re: problems getting gimp plugin to work
KathyW 2000-May-17 02:11:19
** Reply to message from Clayton Cottingham aka DrFrog <#removed#> on
Tue, 16 May 2000 10:12:42 -0700
> im using redhat 6.1 w gimp 1.0.4
> neither binary versions work
I've never been able to get the binaries to work :-(
> i tried to compile the source but it didnt work either
I did get that going but it did put up a fight. Follow the instructions to the
letter, and you will also need to edit some of the Gimp source to add the
plug-in directory location before re-compiling the Gimp. I can't remember the
name of the file off the top of my head, and I don't currently have Gimp
sources. I found where it had to go by looking for mention of known working
plug-ins in the source files.
If you have no luck, contact me privately and I'll see if I can dig up the
information. I did send Helmut a note on the solution, but I don't seem to have
a copy of it under this email account.
Good luck,
Red Hat Linux 6.1 (kernel 2.2.14)
Sun JDK1.2.2
PolarBarMailer16b (beta/alpha ... what the heck, I like it ;-)