PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Helmut Dersch
Date/Time:2001-May-05 10:44:56
Subject:Re: Email Attachments


proj-imim: Re: Email Attachments Helmut Dersch 2001-May-05 10:44:56

matthew schrieb:
>   Just a quick note regarding sending attachments to list members. Not
> all users have fast connections and some of us do not want to wait for
> a 1mb attachment to download if it's of no interest. It is much more
> polite to provide a link within the email for list members to download
> if needed. Not only do we have to download the original message but it
> is also included in the digest email as well !!!!


you are right. This attachment somehow slipped through
the 50kByte filter in our listserver installation. We
will try to fix this. 

Best regards

Helmut Dersch

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