22195 threads

[Fwd:Re: Progressive Load]

proj-imim - Helmut Dersch - 00-May-09 20:31

[Fwd:PTVJ 0.9 & Window IE 5]

proj-imim - Helmut Dersch - 00-May-09 20:31

[Fwd: Re: Progressive Load]

proj-imim - Helmut Dersch - 00-May-09 20:30

[Fwd: Need Advice on Taking Pictures]

proj-imim - Helmut Dersch - 00-May-09 20:30

[Fwd: HELP! Back to Basics]

proj-imim - Helmut Dersch - 00-May-09 20:30

Problems with Immersive Imaging list

For unknown reasons some messages did not make it. I have resent them now. Helmut Dersch

proj-imim - Helmut Dersch - 00-May-09 20:29

HELP! Back to Basics (Resend)

Hello all... [Sorry if anyone receives this twice. I posted it to the list yesterday and it never showed up, so I'm resending it.] After spending some free time on and off for a couple of months, I still cannot get acceptable results from Panorama Tools

proj-imim - Doug Brightwell - 00-May-09 18:59

PTVJ 0.9 & Windows IE 5

proj-imim - Gummy Bear - 00-May-09 15:32

PTviewer applet within a table

Hi all! I was wondering if someone could suggest a simple way to get my panos to live happily in a simple 2-part (left-right) table? For some reason, the panos refuse to load. Also, when I look at my java panos in Explorer, I get a broken area and then

proj-imim - J. Mendelson - 00-May-09 15:28

Pixel Picker questions

proj-imim - The Swamp Gang - 00-May-09 07:57

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