PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Helmut Dersch
Date/Time:2000-Apr-28 10:50:10
Subject:Re: download feedback


proj-imim: Re: download feedback Helmut Dersch 2000-Apr-28 10:50:10
RDHoore (ProxyVista) wrote:
> > Look at :
> >
> Denis, I looked at it, and I noticed a bug in the viewer: when I looked all
> the way down at the floor, or all the way up at the ceiling, I could not
> rotate there. I first had to move a tiny bit away from the nadir or zenith
> before the image would be wanting to rotate again.
> Helmut, I noticed the same thing when loading one of your demos,

Thanks for pointing this out. There is another similar bug: 
Autopanning stops if you hit the back seam exactly (pan=-180¡). 
This can be avoided by starting with 
an odd fractional pan value (eg 0.1¡).

Both bugs will be corrected in 0.9.

Helmut Dersch

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