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Sender:John Blommers
Date/Time:2001-May-05 02:10:20
Subject:Re: Help


proj-imim: Re: Help John Blommers 2001-May-05 02:10:20

After cropping the images and replacing the black with white, I
used the PTPicker to locate common points and created this
script to create output:

p f1 w2000 h1000 v360 u30  n"PSD_mask" -buf

i f2 w921 h921 y0 p0 r0  v189 n"1.jpg"  X0 Y0 Z0
i f2 w921 h921 y180 p0 r0  v=0 n"2.jpg"  X1 Y0 Z0
v v0
v y1 p1
c n0 N1 x849 y627 X50 Y624
c n0 N1 x903 y514 X35 Y493
c n1 N0 x27 y455 X904 Y473
c n0 N1 x900 y449 X20 Y436
c n0 N1 x17 y504 X880 Y511
c n1 N0 x898 y403 X27 Y389
c n0 N1 x22 y414 X893 Y427
c n1 N0 x885 y406 X13 Y395
c n0 N1 x41 y347 X903 Y360
c n1 N0 x52 y645 X835 Y639
c n1 N0 x80 y644 X848 Y669
c n0 N1 x862 y595 X36 Y592

the optimized results are

# Image No 0:
# Yaw:	0 deg (p)	Pitch:	0 deg (p)
# Roll:	0 deg (p)	HFov:	189.032 deg (*)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (p); b   0.000000 (p); c   0.000000 (p)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
# Command for Panorama Creation:
o f2 r0 p0 y0 v189.032 u30

# Image No 1:
# Yaw:	-179.859 deg (*)	Pitch:	-7.09494 deg (*)
# Roll:	0 deg (p)	HFov:	189.032 deg (*)
# Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (p); b   0.000000 (p); c   0.000000 (p)
# Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
# Command for Panorama Creation:
o f2 r0 p-7.09494 y-179.859 v189.032 u30

The result is a little better than your own, not much different. I 
have to wonder
if the camera was perfectly level on the tripod? A pitch of -7 degrees is not
reasonable for the second image, and I would expect roll of zero. What do
you think about the 189 degree HFOV value?

The hard part of stitching is to pick control points. There are no overlapping
points in the sky, and I could not find any near the lower part of the images,
only on the left and right sides.

Thanks for sharing the images. This is fun stuff ...


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