PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Ed Howard
Date/Time:2001-May-05 11:14:30
Subject:Re: Help


proj-imim: Re: Help Ed Howard 2001-May-05 11:14:30
> Using a coolpix 800 with fisheye lens, auto exposure set .....

1. Use exposure LOCK - both images should maintain the same settings.

2. Shoot an interior that has an abundance of detail for picking control
points all along the seam Add pieces of colored tape to the floor, wall,
ceiling as needed. Once you get a good stitch, save the stitch file as your
"source" file. Your lens settings shouldn't change (much) from pano to pano.

3. The location of the sun is a problem. I would block it by with the
building by moving the camera closer, or if that didnt work, move back so
the sun is away from the building a little so you dont have flair on the
building. Then when shooting I would put the sun right on the fisheye seam,
I would use my hand to cast a shadow on the lens for both shots (the final
image will need a little touchup/finger removal in photoshop).

Ed Howard

fisheye lens
> set.  Individual pictures look fine but when I stitch them ??? See
> Attached.
> Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanx
> Rich
> #removed#
> 609 399-5070

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