PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Eric Carlson
Date/Time:2000-Apr-23 17:31:52
Subject:Re: Two Problems with PTViewer


proj-imim: Re: Two Problems with PTViewer Eric Carlson 2000-Apr-23 17:31:52
<x-flowed>>I ran into two java related problems with PTViewer. I've
>posted them on java lists without solution so far:
>o The large image solution for Netscape which I introduced in
>version 0.7 works as  follows: The OutOfMemory error that Netscape
>issues in all java viewers is not due to the inability to read large
>images, as I suspected, but the inability of Netscape java to handle
>linear arrays of more than 4MB size. I now store the image pixel data
>in a two-dimensional x/y array, and the problem is gone. However, a
>weird new problem emerged: Several users stated that IE on win, which
>had no problems before, can't read images online (offline works).
>o The viewer can't be scripted in IE/Mac. Scripting works on any
>Netscape platform, and IE/Windows. Is this a general problem
>with IE/Mac? Has someone sources of a scriptable Applet that
>works under IE/Mac?
   Don't have any answers for the first question, but don't waste your 
time trying to figure out a solutions for the second one - it is NOT 
possible to get IE/Mac to communicate from JavaScript to Java. 
Netscape on both platforms uses "LiveConnect" to do both, IE/Win uses 
ActiveX, IE/Mac has neither. BTW, this is the same reason that one 
can't script a binary (compiled) plug-in in IE/Mac.


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