PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Aldo Hoeben
Date/Time:2000-Apr-23 22:51:17
Subject:Re: Two Problems with PTViewer


proj-imim: Re: Two Problems with PTViewer Aldo Hoeben 2000-Apr-23 22:51:17
Oops, I just noticed I only sent this to Helmut (stupid Outlook Express!)

> o The large image solution for Netscape which I introduced in
> version 0.7 works as  follows:


> However, a
> weird new problem emerged: Several users stated that IE on win, which
> had no problems before, can't read images online (offline works).

On my setup (Win2k, ie5, checking through localhost (IIS)), the panos do
show up eventually. They just take a suspiciously long time to be loaded
(minutes instead of seconds).

Can anyone confirm this? I now confirmed this for Roberto Gomez Torres' pano
as well. While my test pano (localhost) took about 2 minutes to show up,
this one took a whopping 15 minutes!! (at least... I litterally went off to
drink a cup of coffee). And no, this is not caused by a slow internet
connection, the image itself loads in seconds.

Hope this helps.

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