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Mailinglist:PanoTools NG
Sender:Briar Bentley briarbentley5@...
Date/Time:2015-Jan-11 21:01:29
Subject:Re: Game changer


PanoTools NG: Re: Game changer Briar Bentley briarbentley5@... 2015-Jan-11 21:01:29
Can you explain further about how you would crete 3D pans?

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 7:48 AM, mark sroufe #removed#
[PanoToolsNG] <#removed#> wrote:

> I recently purchased a Samsung Gear VR immersive headset.  Built in
> conjunction with Oculus (using their design and software standards), the
> Gear VR is a virtual reality viewer, which let's the user walk through a
> virtual castle, fly along side galloping wild horses, etc.  The headset
> comes with a number of kinds of content . . . movie trailers, film and
> animation shorts, games, etc. Most of those are in 3D.  A head-mount viewer
> is perfect for 3D since there are no need for filters or glasses, which
> give some people a headache. With a VR viewer the right eye is shown one
> image and the other is shown a (slightly) different image, which is
> essentially how your eyes work.
> The Gear VR also comes with some 360 panos and 360 pano video. When you
> are wearing the VR headset you view the 360 content by moving your head to
> where you want to look, meaning you have to turn your head and body to look
> at the entire horizontal portion of the image/video, and you must tip your
> head up or down to see the rest (or moving on X and Y axis at the same
> time. In other words, it is exactly how you would look around somewhere in
> the real world.
> The 3D content is simply amazing.  You actually feel your stomach drop
> when you "ride" a roller coaster.
> The one truly glaring problem was that all the 360 photos (showing amazing
> sights from all around the world) were only 2D. While they were nice, they
> were flat. I could not help but see the opportunities missed by the
> photographers. Obviously, for many of the panos, they traveled to the ends
> of the earth to get these shots and they only shot 2D, completely missing
> out on creating content for an entirely new medium. The 3D 360 Video was
> amazing where you were up on stage in the middle of Cirq d Soile, or flying
> down a fiord only to look behind you to see a thundering waterfall. Awesome.
> In addition to the Samsung Gear VR out on the market, electronic device
> maker Razer is also introducing a VR headset. Oculus itself will finally be
> offering its consumer VR viewer this year as well.  More units are coming.
> Over the next few years, demand for 3D panos will go through the roof
> (compared to the market demand now).
> What I'm saying -- IMHO -- is that while there will always be those who
> prefer or generally enjoy 2D panos, the future will belong to 3D panos.

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