PanoTools mailing list archive

Sender:Thomas John
Date/Time:2001-May-03 16:32:11
Subject:Re: How about a PTViewer plugin ?


proj-imim: Re: How about a PTViewer plugin ? Thomas John 2001-May-03 16:32:11
Hi Francois,

Netscape 6 at Win95/98/2000/NT is absolutely no problem with PTviewer. Haven't tried others and 
was not aware of French Mac problems with PTviewer. However, I'd rather think that Helmut gets this 
working, than to come out with a million of plugins that also won't work on a lot of computers.

Yes I do have plugins installed, but mainly to be able to see competitor's web sites and to tell our 
customers that we are better because we really avoid using plugins as much as possible. ;-) For 
instance, it took me trying out four different computers to be able to see the 360deg views at the 
official Mercedes-Benz web site. One had no Quicktime installed - lost. The next two had Quicktime 
installed, one had an older version - lost. The next one had obviously the right Quicktime version, but I 
just saw a white image. This was on a friend's computer whom I really wanted to show those dreaded 
panoramas. The fourth one worked - after I went through downloading that Quicktime **** which 
apparently gets updated and out-dated every few months. Well, one out of four works, not bad.

I really must confess, I HATE those plugins ;-))


03.05.01 17:34:14, AQUIMAGE <#removed#> wrote:

>Thanks for your answer Joost and Thomas.
>Guess you are right since no other lister are
>telling something else than Java is best than plugin...
>That was not the point btw, it was more a question of
>expanding the number of people able to see our work, as
>Joost answered.
>But for proxies and some Mac/Netscape (French)
>configurations, Java still not really fit I'm afraid.
>Nothing about Netscape 6 neither ? Must have dreamt.
>And Thomas, are you sure you're NOT using
>any PLUGIN on your computer ? ; )
>Best regards
>François Moraud
>Joost Nieuwenhuijse a écrit :
>> François,
>> Although there will always be a few platform-related issues, Java is
>> definately the most cross-platform technology that is available now.
>> Plugins are platform-specific and should be written separately for each
>> browser and OS combination, and are not cross-patform at all. So I think
>> Java really is the best choice..
>> Joost
>Thomas John a écrit :
>> The availability of PTViewer as JAVA applets and NOT as a plug-in is the
>> biggest advantage it offers. I - and some of our customers as well - was
>> interested in 360degree viewers until they became available as applets. To
>> be honest, I don't see a single reason for the existence of plug-ins at
>> all.
>> regards,
>> Thomas

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