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Sender:Luca Vascon
Date/Time:2005-Sep-13 22:51:37
Subject:Re: Re: PTGui 5.0beta3


PanoTools: Re: Re: PTGui 5.0beta3 Luca Vascon 2005-Sep-13 22:51:37
Well... I half agree with you. If some day PTgui leaves the choiche to use 
the external addenda, I'd probably leave PTgui.
Joost is just in between. The ptgui begun as an OpenSourceMixer, a frontend 
to join together an huge mass of different etherogeneously licenced 
software, but it is not opensource itself.
It seems that his effort are not going to help these gpl softs, but 
otherwise to substitute them...
Oh, well, it is no more an interface but it is a softwer. It DOES something 
on its own. Commercially it does mean a LOT. The buyer is not compelled do 
do this continuous self-teaching, upgrading parts, mixing things (I like it 
SO much!!!) and can buy a complete thing to perform the work.
Well. Let's hear his version, I hope he will partecipate to this little 

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